(610) 759-7581
Wrenchtec Auto Services Buildings

Diagnostic / Wrenchtec Automotive Services

Automotive repair & maintenance shops in Nazareth, PA & Forks Township, Easton PA


Choose one of our TWO LOCATIONS…

Diagnostic / Wrenchtec Automotive Services

We use state-of-the-art equipment to provide complete diagnostic services to all makes and models of both traditional gas-powered engines and electric vehicles.

At our two locations, one in Nazareth and the other in Fork Township, Easton, we use state-of-the-art equipment to provide complete diagnostic services to all makes and models of both traditional gas-powered engines and electric vehicles. Our technicians are trained on all our equipment and are ready to assess your vehicle to keep it safe and running at peak performance.

Here are some of the diagnostic services we offer at our locations:

  • ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems)
  • Computer Reflashing
  • Engine Controls
  • Vehicle Computers
  • Sensors
  • Check Engine Light
  • Engine Controls
  • Diagnostics
  • Vehicle Warning Lights
  • Transmission Sensors
  • Module Replacement and Computer reset
  • Transmission Control Module
  • Body Control Module
  • ABS
  • Airbag Systems

The professional diagnostic equipment we have at Wrenchtec is top-of-the-line, they can read the codes hidden in the computer within your vehicle, Unlike the free scanners at the auto part retailers or the inexpensive online versions, which many times give false or inaccurate information our equipment is recalibrated and updated regularly and is always ready for our technicians to accurately diagnose your vehicle. This allows our technicians to recommend repairs or replacements to get you back on the road quickly with the least amount of expense. We always have the best interests of our customers at heart and strive to keep you safe and keep costs at a minimum.

Maintenance is always the best way to save on major expenses, and our team will look over your vehicle each time we see you, giving you reminders based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you do have an issue with your vehicle, our technicians will run diagnostics to pinpoint your problem and find the best solutions to repair your vehicle. You can easily set an online appointment by clicking here, or call 610-759-7581 and speak to one of our Service

Your local independent automotive repair facility
State Inspection / Emissions
Wrenchtec Automotive Services

Schedule Service


20 E. Lawn Rd.
Nazareth, PA 18064
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 1



Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed



3315 Sullivan Trail
Easton, PA 18040
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 2



Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed




Forks Twp. Easton