(610) 759-7581
Wrenchtec Auto Services Buildings

Engine & Transmission / Wrenchtec Automotive Services

Automotive repair & maintenance shops in Nazareth, PA & Forks Township, Easton PA


Choose one of our TWO LOCATIONS…

Engine & Transmission / Wrenchtec Automotive Services

You can trust our team with all of your vehicle Mechanical Repairs or Replacement needs.

Engine & Transmission

Complete Engine & Transmission Care, Repair, & Replacement

We offer engine and transmission preventative services to prolong the life of your vehicle. Just like everything else in life, your vehicle needs to have maintenance done to perform at its peak. A properly maintained engine will run smoother and get better gas mileage along with having a much longer life span, saving you a lot of money in the long term. Our team will help you keep track of the maintenance you are recommended by your manufacturer.

It can be daunting if your vehicle starts to have engine or transmission issues. The unknown can certainly be overwhelming, but our team is ready to walk you through the process of getting your vehicle scheduled to get diagnostics completed and come up with a plan.

Our ASE certified technicians are trained in advanced repair and replacement techniques to get you back on the road quickly.

Some of the services we offer

  • Transmission Flush
  • Transmission Drain & Fill
  • Transmission Repair and Replacement
  • Differential Service
  • Drivetrain
  • Clutch Replacement
  • Master Cylinder
  • Flywheel
  • Axle Servicing
  • Engine Flush
  • Engine Repair
  • Engine Rebuild
  • Stock Rebuild
  • Cylinder Heads
  • Carburetor Repairs
  • Intake Manifolds
  • Dyno Tuning

If you have any questions about a service and you don’t see it listed here, please rest assured we handle all types of repairs no job is too big or small. As a courtesy to our customers who are having a large repair completed at one of our 2 locations we have a courtesy vehicle available for your use. Our service writer can assist you with details about this service when you schedule your appointment. Our technicians bring decades of experience in engine and transmission repair and maintenance to Easton, PA and surrounding areas. We look forward to hearing from you to schedule your appointment.

We are a Digital Shop

Our technicians use the latest technology to not only tell you if there are any issues with your vehicle, but show you. If we uncover an issue the photo will be e-mailed to you for your records. At the end of every visit you will receive a detailed report regarding the general health of your vehicle. Our #1 goal is to keep you safe on the road.


Transmission Services
Wrenchtec Engine Repairs and Replacement
Car Battery Services
Wrenchtec Automotive Services

Schedule Service


20 E. Lawn Rd.
Nazareth, PA 18064
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 1



Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed



3315 Sullivan Trail
Easton, PA 18040
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 2



Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed




Forks Twp. Easton