(610) 759-7581

Our hearts are full of gratitude this Holiday Season.


Our hearts are full of gratitude this Holiday Season as we were able to coordinate a joint effort of delivering Christmas magic to families in need. The Wrechtec team has always been committed to serving and contributing to Nazareth and surrounding communities, we enjoy partnering with other local organizations and nonprofits to make a different in our neighbors’ lives. For the 2nd year in a row, we were blessed with a partnership with Northampton County Children and Youth, collecting toys for children in care. These Children need our support not only at Christmas, but anytime you are able to help. Keep them in mind as you look for organizations to donate to,

As we look back on the success of this campaign, we are so very grateful for our generous customers, who dropped off many donations including, dolls, stuffed animals, board games, puzzles, remote control cars, gift cards and much, much more. These items made a huge difference in the lives of local children. The team at Wrenchtec is lucky to have such a supportive and kind group of individuals to call our customers, most of whom we now call friends. Showing up to work each day is much easier because we have you.

Our toy drive had a surprise donation this year, the Nazareth VFW Post #4356 of the Nazareth American Legion, Harold V. Knecht Post #415, was kind and generous by assisting with our toy drive. To have the support of local Veterans meant the world to us. This is a great example of why we love operating a business in Nazareth, the community pulls together and supports those in need.

As we begin 2022 with the mission of continuing to support Nazareth and surrounding areas, we wanted to remind everyone to stay safe. The Wrenchtec team is here to assist you with safety checkups on your vehicle. We are committed to helping keep you safe on the road.

Thank you again to all our generous customers for allowing us to follow our hearts and help those around us, we would not be able to accomplish any of this without your help. We look forward to a New Year with you.


Schedule Service

or Call 610-759-7581


20 E. Lawn Rd.
Nazareth, PA 18064
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 1


Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed



3315 Sullivan Trail
Easton, PA 18040
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 2


Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed




Forks Twp. Easton