(610) 759-7581

NAFB secondary drop off location.

Since 2018 Wrenchtec has been an active member of the Nazareth Community. We live here, we work here. We strive to find ways to make life safer for our neighbors, we accomplish this through fair and thorough auto mechanic work and by finding partnerships with community action groups. An example of our commitment to this is becoming a permanent drop off spot for non-perishable food donations for The Nazareth Area Food Bank. We participated in a food drive December, 2020, Wrenchtec made a commitment of a donation of $1.00 per item donated at our location, our total monetary contribution for our event was $1,000. This large donation event is not only a testament to the commitment of Wrenchtec to the local community but it shows the generosity of the citizens of the Nazareth Area. This past year has proven to be a very difficult time for many Americans, hunger has no limit, sees no profile. As a group we can make change. Wrenchtec is dedicated to helping end the hunger battle in our area. No one should go to bed hungry. We are proud to serve such a wonderful community.

Nazareth Area Food Bank serves the citizens residing in the Nazareth Area School District, fighting hunger & feeding hope. They have a registration process that must be followed which can be found on their website at the following address. www.nazarethareafoodbank.org The times of distribution are as follows: Second Tuesday, following Wednesday and Saturday of every month: 7:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. on Tuesdays; 7:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. on Wednesday; 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. on Saturdays.

We are looking forward to continued collaboration with the Nazareth Area Food Bank & the citizens of the Greater Nazareth Area to serve the people in our community. Please feel free to stop in during our regular business hours Monday-Friday 7:30am – 7 a.m., Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and drop off your non-perishable food items. With your continued commitment we can make big changes in our small town. Follow our website wrenchtec.com for updates to this program. Wrenchtec is dedicated to keeping you safe in your vehicle and out.

Schedule Service

or Call 610-759-7581


20 E. Lawn Rd.
Nazareth, PA 18064
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 1


Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed



3315 Sullivan Trail
Easton, PA 18040
(610) 759-7581 Ex. 2


Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 7pm
Sat: 7:30am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed




Forks Twp. Easton